This radio station was developed as a continuation of a series of short-wave professional radio stations of the Soviet production of the "Nedra" and "Karat" type. Made according to modern circuitry and on SMD technology radio components, using digital signal processing, it can take its rightful place in the backpack of an amateur or professional traveler. Fisheries inspector, professional hunter, geologist or cartographer, geophysicist or reserve worker - all of them will find application of "Uleime" in their field work, far from the usual cellular networks. Due to its compactness, this radio station will no longer be intimidated by its weight and dimensions. Having a small set of a radio station, headphones, an antenna and a battery, the traveler will always be in touch within a radius of 150 km!
The radio station control consists of only one button, in which it is very difficult to get confused. Power is disconnected by physically disconnecting the plug, which also prevents accidental battery discharge. The protection of the output stage laid down at the development stage will not damage it during operation in the event of an antenna breakage or mismatch.
The radio station is energetically very economical, the charge of one battery can last for a week with modest radio traffic. LED indicators will alert the user in advance when the supply voltage drops. And the HF voltage indicator on the antenna will indicate that the transmitter is working properly.
Connection diagram
Additional equipment such as a remote speaker, full-size antenna and power cable will enhance the communication quality and ease of use.
The ability to connect additional devices for sending text messages round out the list of advantages of this radio station.
The communication range is determined by the ionospheric transmission and is usually 100-200 km during the day. Communication deteriorates significantly at night.